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Maximize Your iOS 14 Efforts in 2021 with Kochava

By November 10, 2020August 26th, 2022News & Updates, iOS 14 & SKAdNetwork 7 Min Read

Ten steps to take right now

iOS 14 is here, but enforcement of the AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework is still around the corner. Here are 9 steps you can take right now to maximize your iOS growth efforts once ATT enforcement commences. 

1. Talk with your partners and your team

Host discussions with each of your partners to get their perspective on the ongoing impacts of the iOS 14 changes. Be in the know so you can make the most informed marketing strategy decisions. Communicate your needs with internal product managers and development teams to ensure your priorities around iOS changes are factored into development roadmap efforts and dev sprints.

2. Confer with your legal counsel

While it’s likely we haven’t seen the last updates to Apple’s user privacy and data use policy, there’s plenty of detail to digest already. Understand your current user data collection and data use practices from end-to-end and confer with your legal counsel to establish clear expectations on what needs to change and when. While the AppTrackingTransparency framework has not been enforced yet, it’s coming and being proactive will put you in a better position no matter where the chips finally fall. 

3. Choose Your One SDK

While most marketers and developers are accustomed to the presence of multiple SDKs in their apps, now more than ever is a time to consolidate around one SDK that features all the tools you need.

Key benefits of the Kochava SDK

      • Omni-channel measurement and attribution
      • Turnkey SKAdNetwork support and conversion modeling
      • Advanced fraud prevention
      • Built-in consent management (for CCPA, GDPR, and beyond)
      • Advanced deep linking solutions
      • Bundled push notification technology (precisely target users for reengagement without an IDFA)

The SKAdNetwork factor

Specifically related to the SKAdNetwork, it is of vital importance that ONLY one provider sets the conversion values for your app. If you integrate multiple SDKs to handle this functionality, your SKAdNetwork campaign reporting and optimizations will not work properly. Per our prior blog post on SKAdNetwork support for advertisers, this should be handled by Kochava (or your MMP). Learn how Kochava wraps advertiser SKAdNetwork calls within our SDK and provides four turnkey conversion models to maximize insights on down-funnel performance post-install. 

Do you use a server-to-server integration?

Kochava provides robust server-to-server integration options for enterprise brands that maintain the infrastructure necessary to capture and syndicate their own app data to Kochava. Nonetheless, industry shifts necessitate SDK adoption. Vitally important features that are only supported via SDK include: 
  • Built-in consent management
  • Enhanced deferred deep linking
  • Universal Link attribution
  • Turnkey SKAdNetwork conversion model support
If you’re currently leveraging server-to-server integrations, connect with us today to discuss your options and begin your migration.

4. Implement a Consent Management Platform

Apple’s ATT framework does not fulfill your compliance requirements for the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU. The Kochava SDK combines handling of the ATT framework with our Intelligent Consent ManagerTM solutions to provide holistic user privacy support. 

5. Boost iOS Ad Spend

Increase your iOS ad spend to capitalize on the extended window for IDFA availability. Additionally, run campaigns on Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) inventory to get a sense of performance variance between IDFA vs. non-IDFA traffic. This can act as a proxy for what you might expect once ATT enforcement commences. 

6. Pilot the SKAdNetwork 

Implement SKAdNetwork support through Kochava and let us handle the heavy lifting on your behalf. Run several pilot campaigns and test the different conversion models offered by Kochava to find the one that best fits your needs. Compare deterministic, aggregated SKAdNetwork reporting with the real-time deterministic attribution still available with Kochava pre-ATT enforcement. This will help you establish a baseline for what you should expect between your real-time Kochava attribution vs. SKAdNetwork attribution. 

Remember that SKAdNetwork only addresses in-app inventory. Formulate your plans on how you will factor in SKAdNetwork efforts with the rest of your media mix across mobile web inventory, owned media channels, and beyond.

7. Optimize your attribution

Re-configure your iOS attribution settings to maximize the accuracy of probabilistic attribution (see iOS 14+ restrictions) in the scenarios where it will still be available. This type of attribution is ONLY available on mobile web paid media when the user opts-in to tracking through the ATT framework in your app as the advertiser. It’s also available for use on owned media campaigns through mobile web. Leveraging Kochava configurable attribution, your lookback windows can be scaled to 60X the granularity by comparison to what the closest competitor MMP offers. 

8. Create your App Clips

Create your App Clip experience as a lower barrier to entry for user acquisition. Make sure you add support for the key Kochava features outlined in this blog post to fully benefit from deterministic attribution on owned media, and deferred deep linking that’s available when using Kochava SmartLinks and App Clips together. While App Clips will require additional development effort, they provide a wealth of benefits. See related support documentation for App Clip setup.

9. Maximize your cross-promo efforts & direct deal opportunities with private marketplaces

Do you have a large portfolio of apps? If so, make plans to maximize user acquisition through cross-promotional efforts. Talk to us about how you can leverage the identifier for vendor (IDFV) to power deterministic attribution on your cross-promo campaigns. Also see how Kochava for Publishers can help you maximize monetization on your first-party audience and streamline your support for SKAdNetwork for ad monetization on iOS post-ATT enforcement. 

Still developing your iOS 14 strategy? Talk with an expert on our team and find out how we can help. Contact us or email

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