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Celebrating Women in Adtech for International Women's Day

As the app ecosystem continues to expand, many marketers are still exclusively focused on traditional user acquisition and reengagement channels. This myopic approach dramatically limits your ability to understand the reach and value of your app strategy. You need to include all available elements in your analysis in order to get an accurate picture. The Kochava platform makes it simple to bring all your data into one place.

Step 3. Aggregate your app strategy

The only way to gain a comprehensive view of your app strategy is to aggregate all available elements for analysis. This means thinking holistically, beyond typical paid media sources to include owned channels (email, social, push messaging, etc.), cross-device behavior (through IdentityLink®) and any other contextual activity (like mobile web-to-app conversions). Kochava tools make this aggregation simple and easy.

Give yourself equal opportunity for attribution

Make sure you’re accurately measuring the impact of your email, social and SMS campaigns. You already own these media channels and have rich audience engagement, but are you leveraging them? With Attribution Equalizer, you can reduce paid media costs typically associated with engaging these users. By elevating these clicks and installs (raising their priority within your attribution waterfall logic to be equivalent to deterministic matches), you eliminate redundant costs for reengaging users you are already reaching effectively.
Kochava enhances your app strategy
Pro Tip: Segment your campaigns meticulously for at-a-glance cohort creation and retargeting accuracy.

Associate connected devices across your existing audience with IdentityLink®. See how your audience transitions between connected devices and track trends in their behavior. Correlate attribution and analytics information within Kochava to the customer’s behavior on different devices and platforms and cross-compare data from internal or third-party business intelligence tools in a meaningful way. Establish a device blocklist to prevent overlap on future UA activity or develop hyper-focused, multi-device cohorts for user specific reengagement precision. IdentityLink® ties your data together across media channels, giving you a richer understanding of your audience and the ability to deliver cost-effective, highly targeted campaigns.

So far this week, we’ve covered event tracking, cost analysis and holistic strategic analysis. Tomorrow we’ll discuss the rising cost of user acquisition and the importance of reengaging the users you’ve already acquired.