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Running in-app ads on Pinterest’s vast user inventory and reach across select verticals is now easier than ever through Kochava, a proud Pinterest Mobile Measurement Partner. Kochava customers can leverage Pinterest’s targeting capabilities through their newest ad unit, the Promoted App Pin, and use the Kochava Analytics dashboard to fully understand user behavior.

Pinterest is arguably the go-to platform for ideas and has an exciting inventory of highly engaged users. Promoted App Pins are a creative and effective way for mobile marketers to drive high-quality users. Early testing has shown that Pinterest-driven ads attract users with a higher lifetime value, and Pinterest-driven users are more likely to perform in-app actions and purchases.

Two smartphones with Airbnb app images on Pinterest and Apple Store


Pinterest has observed strong traction in the verticals of health and wellness, photography, personal finance, e-commerce and casual gaming. Kochava customers with apps in these verticals can run ads effortlessly with Pinterest by simply creating a new campaign and tracker.

Couple Pinterest’s targeting technology with the Kochava real-time postback engine to gain insight into which Promoted App Pins were most engaging or led to conversion. Analyze performance via the Events Volume view on the Analytics dashboard. Here, marketers can easily visualize their Pinterest campaigns and understand which placements worked best for them.

“Providing transparency within the mobile ecosystem is more important than ever, and Kochava is proud to deliver objective, seamless and actionable insight for marketers running campaigns with Pinterest,” said Charles Manning, CEO of Kochava. “The ability to optimize your audience reach with a rich, reliable source is the perpetual goal in mobile marketing. With Pinterest’s influence among certain top verticals and our objective measurement, we have a powerful partnership that will benefit our customers.”

For more information about advertising with Pinterest, contact a Pinterest Marketing Partner or see Kochava support documentation to setup a campaign with them.