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Maximize Yield With Outcomes Measurement for Publishers & Platforms

Revitalize ad sales by connecting the dots between your premium ads and the business outcomes that matter most to advertisers

Leveraged by Top Publishers & Platforms

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Struggling to Grow Ad Sales Revenue?

Maximizing yield is cited as one of the top challenges for publishers and platforms. The battle for advertising dollars is more competitive than ever, with media buyers taking their budgets to the channels and partners where they can prove outcomes and ROI.

Secure top consideration and grow stronger relationships with media buyers by aligning your ad delivery with the business outcomes advertisers care about.

Embrace Outcomes Measurement

Give your advertisers visibility into how you help them drive lower-funnel business outcomes

Supported Outcomes

Mobile App






Join Publishers & Platforms Using Outcomes Measurement To

Expand beyond brand marketing dollars to secure more performance marketing budgets

Command higher CPM rates for premium inventory and ad placements

Support more flexible currency options for transacting media (e.g., CPI and CPA)

Gain insights into both attributed conversions and assists to optimize for maximum yield
Kochava for Publishers

Key Benefits of Kochava for Publishers

  • Clear-labeled, outcomes measurement in a box, interoperable across measurement partners
  • Cross-device, cross-screen conversion attribution with enhanced lookback-window controls
  • Real-time analytics for online outcomes with near-real-time insights for offline outcomes
  • Outcomes data for optimization to maximize yield with first-party data redaction to prevent data leakage
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Tap Into Additional Offerings

Maximized Outcomes

Activate Device Link to harness consented identity graphs—attributing outcomes across a larger universe of observable devices

Incremental Lift Studies

Leverage post-campaign, incremental lift studies through MediaLift® to prove how you drive incremental growth for advertisers

Audience Extension

Utilize impression exposure data with Intelligent Audience Extension to expand your reach and activation strategies beyond your native inventory and channel

Advanced Partnerships

Benefit from our partnerships with Blockgraph, Affinity Solutions, Safegraph, and more to navigate advanced channels and outcome scenarios

Powered by a Trusted Measurement Leader Since 2011

Marketers across the globe know Kochava as one of the first mobile measurement partners (MMPs). Founded in 2011, Kochava has provided app analytics and omnichannel attribution to thousands of app marketers and developers worldwide.

Kochava for Publishers was introduced to harness years of advertising measurement experience for service to premium publishers and platforms. Today, Kochava for Publishers is driving performance marketing measurement and optimization across CTV, audio, in-game ads, DOOH, and other premium channels.

Two men shaking hands

Powered by a Trusted Measurement Leader Since 2011

Marketers across the globe know Kochava as one of the first mobile measurement partners (MMPs). Founded in 2011, Kochava has provided app analytics and omnichannel attribution to thousands of app marketers and developers worldwide.

Kochava for Publishers was introduced to harness years of advertising measurement experience for service to premium publishers and platforms. Today, Kochava for Publishers is driving performance marketing measurement and optimization across CTV, audio, in-game ads, DOOH, and other premium channels.

Outcomes Measurement for Smart TV OEM Platforms

Top smart TV OEM platforms worldwide leverage Kochava for Publishers to power outcomes measurement on their premium, platform-direct ad inventory—helping advertisers understand how their CTV campaigns drive same-screen and cross-screen conversions.

Explore Case Study

Why Choose a Turnkey SaaS Solution for Outcomes Measurement?

Avoid the cost burden and future tech debt of building your own in-house solution

Gain trust with advertisers by leveraging a third-party tool for independent, unbiased performance measurement

Plug and play across advertiser measurement partners as a self-reporting network for higher attribution waterfall priority and outcomes visibility

Outcomes Measurement for In-Game Ads

Frameplay powers intrinsic in-game ad attribution with Kochava for Publishers

Outcomes Measurement for You

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