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WEBINAR | Channel-Convergence Strategies on DOOH, CTV, & Mobile | April 2 at 10 AM PDT

Real-Time Postbacks

To run effective campaigns, you need postbacks. Most service providers require a mobile analytics SDK within your app for data collection. Using multiple providers for niche services results in overlapping costs and increases your app’s download time. In fact, there are companies whose entire value proposition is to be a single ask within your app and syndicate your data to other service providers.

Measuring Kochava Signals with the Kochava Analytics Dashboard

Kochava Signals, a feature of the Marketers Operating System®, is a secure, configurable tool, allowing marketers to select which providers will receive postbacks and what data points are syndicated to partners as part of these postbacks. This ensures that there is no data leakage, and you are only sharing data critical to optimize your business needs.


The power of the Kochava Postback Engine

The Kochava SDK (software development kit) is lightweight but powerful. It is a turnkey solution that gives you access to over 3,000 network integrations. Our mobile analytics SDK is managed for redundancy, configurable retries, and circumvents network interruptions to maintain transmission. If implementing the SDK is not possible, Kochava also has S2S capabilities available to capture data from your servers or other third party end-points.

Data is syndicated via the Kochava Postback Engine—a robust system that allows you to send real-time, accessible, and configurable data through our fail-proof system. You have the flexibility to configure and filter data syndicated to partners, networks, and agencies without having to update your app. Configurable postbacks are the lifeblood of any successful mobile strategy.

Save money: Pay for only one syndicated data provider

Decrease app bloat: Keep your app lean with one lightweight Kochava SDK.

Leverage our robust postback engine: Safely transmit data with no redundancy or time lag.

Kochava Signals transmits your data in real time to a broad range of third-party service providers as well as any custom endpoints:

  • DMPs
  • DSPs
  • Location Service Providers
  • Deep Linking Solutions
  • Push Notification Providers
  • Retargeting Services
  • Market Automation Services
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Marketing Endpoints

Send unlimited postbacks: Kochava not only passes unlimited postbacks to other providers. We store that data as well whereas other syndicated data providers are limited in their storage capabilities. Our infrastructure maintains smooth data ingestion by redirecting itself. It’s secure, fast, reliable, and never down.

Transmit your data anywhere: Kochava Signals enables a simple integration with any of a number of categories of service providers including things like Multi-variate testing, CRM, push notifications, and email providers, all without an additional SDK. You can also send custom postbacks to your own business intelligence team or other group within your organization.

Postback Configurations allow you to control your data: Manage what is sent, who gets it, and when. Configure and filter data syndicated to partners, networks, and agencies. Create custom postbacks of data to collect and the number of times Kochava should retry to send postbacks to a provider. Changes to your configuration do not require app updates.

Expose nothing: Stop data leakage. Not all data is created equal, so don’t share sensitive or proprietary information with your partners. Disable postbacks to partners who don’t need certain data to protect from unnecessary data exposure.

Activate your campaigns: Know where to meet your users in the funnel. Kochava collects impressions, clicks and installs and ad cost, plus data about app location and screen positioning. Create cohorts to reengage or retarget. Identify churn and drop-off.

Create Custom Integrations on the Fly: Create Custom Postbacks that can a real-time feed of installs and in-app events to any endpoint with a payload you define, that includes any or all parameters supported by Kochava.

Kochava Signals: One syndicated data provider for holistic measurement. Protect your app from bloat and save money by eliminating providers that may be overlapping in their functionalities. The Kochava SDK is the only one you need! It is a robust and secure way to send and store the postbacks you require and gives marketers control over who receives them. Moreover, there is no added cost for using Kochava Signals. Keep your marketing simple with Kochava!

Below is a list of some of our most frequently used integrations. A full list of our partner integrations can be found on our Network & Publisher Integrations page.





Marketing: Affiliate Marketing

Marketing: Marketing Automation

Marketing: Push

Marketing: Retargeting

Marketing: Deep Linking

Marketing: Advertising

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